
Retail is a very broad, diverse industry. It consists of outlets, shops, supermarkets, showrooms and other places for selling a specific offer of products and services. Each of these facilities is distinguished by a specific purpose, size, characteristics or organisation. These site-specific parameters are of great importance when planning the appropriate furnishings for premises. This also applies to self-service checkouts, each of which can perform optimally in a different location.


Prepared for every possibility

The experience gathered over the years of operating in the retail market allows us to properly assess the needs of the industry. We are aware of the different requirements of individual commercial and service premises, benefits or typical limitations of a given solution. That is why our offer includes cash registers adapted to the requirements of most typical stores and supermarkets.


Why is it worth to invest in Self-Service?

Research shows the beneficial effect of implementing self-service checkouts on sales and customer satisfaction. Shops equipped with this solution are more likely to be visited due to significantly smaller queues (waiting time reduced by up to 40%), more convenient service and recently also higher epidemiological safety. One example is the data prepared by Berkeley University of California, according to which the time of return on investment in self-checkout cash registers is only six months. This is due to increased sales and reduction of employee maintenance costs.

There are currently 3 standardized self-checkout models available. Additionally, for more demanding customers, we offer  more personalized solutions based on the SelfBox self-service checkout created by I’m Retail mother company – SelfMaker group. More about SelfMaker you can read HERE.



SelFormers – a hybrid revolution

We have already written more about the use of this unique cash register in the previous post on this blog (LINK). This device is a combination of a traditional and self-service cash register, packed in a simple, elegant shape that fits into any interior. Operation takes place through a 15-inch touch screen mounted in a way that allows you to turn it 180 degrees in the horizontal plane and change the angle of the vertical tilt. Thanks to this solution, SelFormers can be operated both by the cashier (similar to a traditional cash register) and by the customers themselves, who do not want to waste time waiting in line. An additional advantage is the strong orientation towards facilities for the disabled people.


SUNMI K2 – asian technology

For entrepreneurs looking for reliable, intuitive and modern self-service checkouts, we offer the K2 device. The cash register is produced by the Asian technology company SUNMI, also cooperating with such giants of the automation market as Xiaomi Corporation.

The distinguishing element of the SUNMI K2 is a large, 24-inch touch screen, which is responsible for operating the entire interface of the kiosk. The device is equipped with all the necessary components – card payment system, barcode scanner, QR code scanner and facial recognition. The slim design allows easy access and space saving. SUNMI K2 self-service checkout will be perfect for supermarkets as a supplement and support for the traditional checkout line.


SUNMI K2 MINI – the compact alternative

K2 MINI is a smaller version of the full-size K2 cash register, designed for convenience stores, which are currently flourishing. These type of shops are usually established in city centers, in the vicinity of public facilities or in housing estates. Their common feature is a small area and a relatively tight arrangement. Such characteristics require proper place management, focused on minimalism and space saving. The K2 MINI countertop checkout will be perfect in such conditions and will provide a much faster flow of customers, without unnecessarily taking up the not too impressive store space.

Regardless of which solution is chosen, each client can count on the support of the experienced team of I’m Retail. Present your business to us and we will develop the most beneficial solution for you.

Click HERE to contact our sales department.

Retail is a very broad, diverse industry. It consists of outlets, shops, supermarkets, showrooms and other places for selling a specific offer of products and services. Each of these facilities is distinguished by a specific purpose, size, characteristics or organisation. These site-specific parameters are of great importance when planning the appropriate furnishings for premises. This also applies to self-service checkouts, each of which can perform optimally in a different location.


Prepared for every possibility

The experience gathered over the years of operating in the retail market allows us to properly assess the needs of the industry. We are aware of the different requirements of individual commercial and service premises, benefits or typical limitations of a given solution. That is why our offer includes cash registers adapted to the requirements of most typical stores and supermarkets.


Why is it worth to invest in Self-Service?

Research shows the beneficial effect of implementing self-service checkouts on sales and customer satisfaction. Shops equipped with this solution are more likely to be visited due to significantly smaller queues (waiting time reduced by up to 40%), more convenient service and recently also higher epidemiological safety. One example is the data prepared by Berkeley University of California, according to which the time of return on investment in self-checkout cash registers is only six months. This is due to increased sales and reduction of employee maintenance costs.

There are currently 3 standardized self-checkout models available. Additionally, for more demanding customers, we offer  more personalized solutions based on the SelfBox self-service checkout created by I’m Retail mother company – SelfMaker group. More about SelfMaker you can read HERE.



SelFormers – a hybrid revolution

We have already written more about the use of this unique cash register in the previous post on this blog (LINK). This device is a combination of a traditional and self-service cash register, packed in a simple, elegant shape that fits into any interior. Operation takes place through a 15-inch touch screen mounted in a way that allows you to turn it 180 degrees in the horizontal plane and change the angle of the vertical tilt. Thanks to this solution, SelFormers can be operated both by the cashier (similar to a traditional cash register) and by the customers themselves, who do not want to waste time waiting in line. An additional advantage is the strong orientation towards facilities for the disabled people.


SUNMI K2 – asian technology

For entrepreneurs looking for reliable, intuitive and modern self-service checkouts, we offer the K2 device. The cash register is produced by the Asian technology company SUNMI, also cooperating with such giants of the automation market as Xiaomi Corporation.

The distinguishing element of the SUNMI K2 is a large, 24-inch touch screen, which is responsible for operating the entire interface of the kiosk. The device is equipped with all the necessary components – card payment system, barcode scanner, QR code scanner and facial recognition. The slim design allows easy access and space saving. SUNMI K2 self-service checkout will be perfect for supermarkets as a supplement and support for the traditional checkout line.


SUNMI K2 MINI – the compact alternative

K2 MINI is a smaller version of the full-size K2 cash register, designed for convenience stores, which are currently flourishing. These type of shops are usually established in city centers, in the vicinity of public facilities or in housing estates. Their common feature is a small area and a relatively tight arrangement. Such characteristics require proper place management, focused on minimalism and space saving. The K2 MINI countertop checkout will be perfect in such conditions and will provide a much faster flow of customers, without unnecessarily taking up the not too impressive store space.

Regardless of which solution is chosen, each client can count on the support of the experienced team of I’m Retail. Present your business to us and we will develop the most beneficial solution for you.

Click HERE to contact our sales department.