Click & collect in retail
We entered the 21st century already over twenty years ago. During this period, we have witnessed a tremendous acceleration in technology development. Many elements of everyday life and almost all sectors of the economy have been digitized. Changes were happening...
Trends 2021: Automation and Ecology
The 21st century has become an arena of struggle between two seemingly opposite worlds. One of them is unstoppable technological progress, the development of modern industrial and digital solutions. The growing ecological awareness of the society becomes the other...
Selflocker Logistics Ecosystem, or what should you know about the operation of our parcel lockers
The most important, but at the same time the most complicated stage of transporting each product is the so-called “last mile”. We wrote more about this in our earlier article. This phase begins when the parcel is collected from the seller and ends with...
Why is last mile logistics so important in business?
Every product you use has come a long way, often thousands of kilometers. From material producers, through production lines, containers, warehouses, finally coming into your hands. The whole process is complicated and multi-stage, and to be accurately carried out,...